Billy the Kid, Doc Holiday, Younger Brot...
Two remarkable photos of the same group of 10 men were take some years apart. We can only imagine the who, what, where, when, why of this splendid portrait. Drop by the site to see even more…
A Cowboy Convention
Among the earliest photographs taken of the Younger Brothers and company. They are all clean shaven and sporting close haircuts and fresh suits. There location and time of the photo are unknown. However it does raise many questions that may never come to light. See more about the Younger Brothers and friends, click on their…
Zerelda James-Samuel
The photo of Zerelda on the left is prior the Pinkerton firebombing her home in 1871. The incident killed her son, Archie and severed her arm. The photo on the right is a well know image of Zerelda a good 10 years later.
Martha Jane with Zerelda James
Martha Jane Presgrove stands next to her mother-in-law Zerelda James. The photo is prior to the 1871 Pinkerton firebombing of her home, which took off her right arm. That is also about the time of Jesse and Martha’s marriage. There are no known photos of Zerelda and Zee Mimms.
Destined for Infamy
A stunningly clear photo of Billy the Kid in formal attire, holding a bouquet of flowers. His hand is holding the lapel open to show he’s wearing a shoulder holster. His hairline is thinning and earlobes are drooping a bit, so this could be the last photo ever taken of Billy.
The Younger Brothers
A pre-1874 photo of the Younger’s emerges from obscurity. The subjects are all in formal attire adding to the charm and mystique. One of two photos featuring the Younger brothers. See more under the James Gang tab on the menu bar above.
The RJ Pastore Collection
Jesse James Photo Album Some of you may have heard of Ron Pastore from the popular History Channel program, Jesse James Hidden Treasure. He is also the author of Jesse James’ Secret and the Jesse James Forensic Report. Pastore’s next project is to release his personal collection of original, never before seen photos of Frank…
Authentication Methods
The Outlaw
No Way Out, but Outlawry After the Civil War Jesse and Frank tried to surrender. They were fired upon by vengeful Union soldiers as they rode in under a white flag of truce. Jesse was hit in the chest and barely survived were it not for Frank’s quick actions to rescue him.
Jesse James Aliases
The many names and faces of Jesse James Among the finds are a few extra special photos Jesse signed under his alias at the time.