RJ Pastore Collection

Don’t miss my  SPECIAL EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW on Coast to Coast AM  overnight Thursday, Sept 26, 2019!  

I will unveil my newly discovered connections between famous cowboy outlaws on the “Cowboy Mafia and Conspiracy Theories of the Wild West”!

It’s about a treasure trove of surprises about some famous gangsters to reveal with the Coast listeners and discovered after years of extensive analysis of historic photographic evidence!

Tune in to Coast to Coast AM for this exclusive interview on the “Cowboy Mafia and Conspiracy Theories of the Wild West”!  

That’s on Coast to Coast AM 2-3 am Central Time.
 See last paragraph on show summary below…
Shows – Coast to Coast AM

GROUP PHOTO #1  (L to R)

Back Row: Jesse Robert James, aka – J. Frank Dalton – 72 aliases / Jim Younger / Charlie Ford / Bob Ford / Billy the Kid – aka Billy Bonney – 6 aliases.

Front Row: Clell Miller / Cole Younger / Jim Cummins / Doc Holiday / Bob Younger.

This early photo of the Younger Brothers, Ford Brothers, Billy the Kid and Doc Holiday, circa 1870 in Wichita, KS in the brothel district called Delano.
The photo shows one of the known Jesse James, J Frank Dalton.


Back Row: Jim Younger / Bob Younger / Cole Younger / Charlie Ford / Bob Ford / Jim Cummins.

Front Row: Billy the Kid / Clell Miller / John “Doc” Holiday / John Younger .

The group meets again in Wichita a few years later and includes Bob Younger.


Billy the Kid w/ Mom, Sister, Girlfriend and Regulators

Back Row: Billy the Kid / Deputy Dick Brewer / Deputy Jose Chavez.

Middle Row: Paulita Maxwell / Bridget McCarty, Billy’s Sister.

Front Row: Dan Dedrick / Catherine McCarty – Billy’s Mother.

The photo has seen better days as to the condition, but the image is still vivid enough to make out some amazing details. Billy the Kid poses with his girlfriend, Paulita Maxwell and fellow Regulators Dick Brewer & Jose Chavez. But most astounding is that Billy’s mother is seated in the lower right hand corner. And the girl in the middle looks very much like Bill’s mom (right front), and is most likely Billy’s Sister, Bridget McCarty. What an extraordinary find.

Let us not overlook the fact that Dan Dedrick is disguised as a woman, wearing a dress and a bonnet upon his lap. Deputy’s Brewer and Chavez are present all of which helps to establish a time and area of the photo. Catherine is said to have died in 1874 and Deputy brewer was killed in 1878. Paulita lived at Fort Sumner so we can assume it was near there because she would not have gone far from home.


Billy and the Wild Bunch Gang

Back Row: James Ellsworth Lay / Ben Kilpatrick / Will Carver.

Middle Row: Butch Cassidy / Sheriff Pat Garrett / Dan Dedrick / Tom Ketchum.

Front Row: Bill the Kid / Sundance Kid / Harvey Logan.

Billy the Kid and Pat Garrett featured here with the Wild Brunch Gang with Butch and Sundance. Circa. 1888


Maxwell’s Regulators Billy the Kid, Pat Garrett, Butch Cassidy, Sundance and the Wild Bunch. RJ Pastore Collection

Billy and the Wild Bunch Gang

Back Row: Butch Cassidy, James Ellsworth Lay, Ben Kilpatrick, Will Carver.

Middle Row: Pat Garrett, Harvey Logan, Tom Ketchum.

Front Row: Bill the Kid, Sundance Kid, Dan Dedrick.

The group of ten men are all in similar suits and bowler hats, resembling Pinkerton Detectives. They are wearing fraternal ribbon badges on their jackets and holding walking sticks. Billy and his fellow regulators from the Lucien Maxwell photo above are all present in this photo, along with several other noteworthy historical figures. Butch Cassidy and Sundance are sitting with the Wild Bunch gang members. Most noteworthy, Pat Garrett sits to the left of Billy the Kid, many years after allegedly killing Billy.

The brotherhood is seated at the foot of the extinct Capulin volcano a few miles from Folsom, NM. The town was a safe haven for outlaws and lawmen that came to work as Regulators (private policemen) for the wealthy land and cattle barons of the territory. Folsom was home to 800 people at the time and had a railroad stop. Black Jack Ketchum couldn’t resist robbing the train and was captured hiding out in a nearby volcanic lava vent. He was held prisoner in the Folsom Hotel, which still stands as a historic site today. The Folsom Museum has a large collection of artifacts going back 10,000 years when the Natives followed the Bison, which grew to eight feet tall. As to Black Jack, in 1901 he was convicted for the train robbery and sentenced to hang. All of which is documented in photos at the Folsom museum.

These group photos create many new questions that will require deep research. Discussion about the role of Pat Garrett in the Billy the Kid saga begs the question of who was really killed in 1881. To quote Samuel Clemens, “Rumors of his death are greatly exaggerated.”